May Day was a pretty big deal in our house yesterday. One of Reagan's teachers was on her way to the Kentucky Derby so her teacher asked if I could sub and Gabby could be a preschooler for the day.
Reagan was estatic to be able to have both her mom and her sister in class. She got up and got dressed right away and was all smiles when she came downstairs. Gabby on the other hand had to be woken up. She was happy to go but she just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I thought we were in for an interesting day and was beginning to wonder how much I was going to be able to help.
After showing Gabby that she could carry her own back pack, and it was pink to boot, she started squealing with excitement and the morning went so much smoother. She could hardly wait to get to school. Gabby's excitement turned to overwhelmed when all the kids came in and she didn't quite know what to do. She quickly settled in and Reagan showed her the ropes and took care of her little sister.
It was pretty evident how much she felt like a preschooler when it was time for a bathroom break and washing hands before snack. She waited her turn in line and was one of the last ones to go in. When I tried to follow her in to help as she normally needs, she quickly kicked me out, told me she didn't need any help and did EVERYTHING herself just like all the other kids. And the she went and joined the rest of the students.
Another example was the teacher explained the project the kids were to work on. And when Reagan and Gabby got to their table to work on the project, Gabby just started in on the project without any help. She had listened to the directions and understood what she was supposed to do.
I had a great time helping out and seeing Reagan at school with her friends. We are really blessed to have two wonderful girls. Monday may be a tough morning for Gabby as I don't know if she understands or not that she will not be staying when we drop Reagan off at school. They may have another preschooler for the last 9 days of school!